Vets Ride 2017
2017 Toy Run Videos
Toy Run 2017 U.B.N.C.
Fog Dogs delivered proceeds from 2018 pool tournament to Hospice Great Job.
Samoa All Bikes By The Bay 2018
U.B.N.C. Open Road Poker Run 2018
2018 HUMBOLDT COUNTY 43 rd Annual U.B.N.C. TOY RUN
2019 U.B.N.C. Canned Food Poker Run
2019 U.B.N.C. Humboldt Toy Run
2020 45 th. Annual Humboldt County Toy Run And Distribution
Lita's Memorial Ride 2021
O.C.O.S Old School Classic Car and Bike Show 2021
Annual Widows Sons Fallen Riders Run 2021
First Annual Elks FUN Run 2021
Dave's last Christmas Card
Another Legend and Brother Gone to soon...R.I.P. Buzz
2018 U.B.N.C. Humboldt Toy Run
County Line Run 2019...North Won again.
B.A.C.A. 100 Mile Run 2017
Fugawi Run2017
Bikes By The Bay 2017
U.B.N.C. Humboldt County Toy Run 2016
2016 U.B.N.C. Humboldt County Toy Run
Bikes by the Bay 2016
Fog Dogs Sunday Funday Ride
In Memory of Phil "Right Arm" Stazdas
Phil passed away yesterday, April 5th, 2016
A legend in his own time Phil was one of the founding members of Right Arm Motorcycle and Machine in Eureka, Ca. From there he went on to be one of the founding members of the Shasta County Hell Angels. Missing his left Arm and his left leg below the knee Phil could ride a bike like no other
Phil passed away yesterday, April 5th, 2016
A legend in his own time Phil was one of the founding members of Right Arm Motorcycle and Machine in Eureka, Ca. From there he went on to be one of the founding members of the Shasta County Hell Angels. Missing his left Arm and his left leg below the knee Phil could ride a bike like no other
County Line Run 2015 North Wins Again
Harley Drag Pictures 2015 Thank You Phyllis
Old Coots Hot Rods And Handle Bars 2015
Samoa All Bikes By The Bay 2015
Bikes By The Bay 2014 Great Turn Out Thanks To All That Attended
November 2015 Event Vets Ride
40 TH Annual Humboldt County Toy Run
40 TH. Annual U.B.N.C. Humboldt County Toy Run 2015
2015 Toy Run as seen through the eyes of a child and her father.
Fire relief donations for the fire fighters and displaced families..Thank you Humboldt Family
Mac's Last Ride
May is motorcycle awareness month presented to U.B.N.C.
U.B.N.C. Humboldt County would like to thank the California Highway Patrol, and the Eureka City Police for our escort and closing the North and South Hwy. 101 so our 39 th Annual Toy Run could ride to our destination as a pack...Cudos to your officers. One member said I have never been escorted into town, but some of us have been escorted Thanks again first time ever...
39 th Annual Toy Run 2014
Last ride of 2014
Rocky May You Rest In Peace...We will miss you Brother
Bike Night Turkey Special
Veterans Ride 2014
Canned Food Poker Run 2014
Old Coots Bike and Car show August 9 th. 2014
Bikes By The Bay 2014
All Harley Drags May 2014
Congratulations Michael Clem Won His Class.
B.A.C.A. 100 Mile Run 2014
County Line Run 2014
Donation to the Food Bank from Toy Run Donations...Thank you all.
Last Ride of 2013
38 th U.B.N.C. Humboldt Annual Toy Run 2013
38 TH Annual Humboldt County Toy Run 2013
Veterans Day Ride 2013
Samoa Bikes By The Bay
Old Town 4 th. of July 2013
Laconia Bike Week 90 th year.
All Harley Drags 2013
B.A.C.A. 100 Mile Run 2013-We were there
North tied again County Line Run 2013
Last ride of 2012
Toy Run 2012-We do it in the rain
Bike night November Thanksgiving dinner.
Veterans Day Ride 2012
November 2012 meeting and food donation.
U.B.N.C. Canned Food Run October 2012
B.A.C.A. Bounce house at Redwood Acres Health Fair.
Award dinner for Teen Challange 2012
Mac's Cancer Is Crap Party
Old Coots On Scoots Handlebars and Hot Rods Car Show
All Bikes By The Bay 2012
All Bikes Poker Run 2012
Fathers Day Poker Run 2012
Canned Food Run 2012
B.A.C.A. 100 Mile Poker Run 2012
County Line Run Pictures 2012- North Wins Again!!
Bike Night March 2012
Last Sunday Ride 2011
Toy Run 2011- 250 + bike's
November Bike Night 2011
Want to hear some great music click to listen.
A Blast from thePast were you there? The year 2003.

Bikers' Xmas
Local motorcyclists make the season brighter for needy kids by BOB DORAN
YOU PROBABLY WOULDN'T MISTAKE Dave Davis for Santa Claus: His beard isthe right length, but it's grey, not white. Still, the biker known as Dirty Dave embodies the spirit of Saint Nicholas. For more than a quarter century he has helped put local motorcycle organizations to work helping Santa gather toys for local children.
This Sunday, Dec. 7, he and scores of local bikers will ride together for the 29th Annual Humboldt County Toy Run presented by United Bikers of Northern California.
The local bikers group evolved out of a Modified Motorcycle Association chapter. "We ride for motorcyclists' rights," was how Davis explained the purpose of the group. "We started doing these toy runs `cause we hate kids so much,'" he added with a grin that let you know he meant the opposite. "It's a way for us to get together -- and to help out needy kids."
Toys can be dropped off at three motorcycle shops in Eureka: Redwood Harley-Davidson, 21 W. Fourth St.; Richard Miller Motorcycles, 1725 Tomlinson; and Eureka Motor Sport Center, 1610 Broadway. "Right now we've got folks running around gathering up toys. They have to be unwrapped so we can see what they are," he explained.
"Then on Sunday we'll gather at the Arcata Plaza. We try to get there starting at 9 o'clock to take up all the parking places around the plaza; then at high noon when the whistle goes off, someone from Arcata's volunteer police patrol leads our caravan around the square and out of Arcata."
The toy-laden motorcycle convoy will head out Samoa Boulevard to Manila, go down the peninsula and then across the bridge to the Veteran's Hall in Eureka. "It's the same route we've been riding for years. We go the same way for our annual Veteran's Day ride," said Davis. "Last year we had 256 bikes parked around the hall. We wrap them all around the building and across the street."
The toys are checked in by a local Boy Scout troop upstairs in the Vet's Hall. A party downstairs includes food and live music. Admission is one new toy, or $5 cash, all of which goes to the Eureka Rescue Mission.
"They give us hundreds of toys every year," said Mary McGill of the Rescue Mission. "We give out around a thousand toys every year to anywhere from 200 to 250 families and they are our biggest supplier of toys."
"Anyone is more than welcome to come to the party," Davis emphasized. "It's sponsored by motorcyclists but we have no prejudice towards any race, color, creed, sex or national origin, type of motorcycle you ride or if you ride a motorcycle at all. This is for the kids, that's what's important."
For more information about the toy run, call (707) 442-4469. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Local motorcyclists make the season brighter for needy kids by BOB DORAN
YOU PROBABLY WOULDN'T MISTAKE Dave Davis for Santa Claus: His beard isthe right length, but it's grey, not white. Still, the biker known as Dirty Dave embodies the spirit of Saint Nicholas. For more than a quarter century he has helped put local motorcycle organizations to work helping Santa gather toys for local children.
This Sunday, Dec. 7, he and scores of local bikers will ride together for the 29th Annual Humboldt County Toy Run presented by United Bikers of Northern California.
The local bikers group evolved out of a Modified Motorcycle Association chapter. "We ride for motorcyclists' rights," was how Davis explained the purpose of the group. "We started doing these toy runs `cause we hate kids so much,'" he added with a grin that let you know he meant the opposite. "It's a way for us to get together -- and to help out needy kids."
Toys can be dropped off at three motorcycle shops in Eureka: Redwood Harley-Davidson, 21 W. Fourth St.; Richard Miller Motorcycles, 1725 Tomlinson; and Eureka Motor Sport Center, 1610 Broadway. "Right now we've got folks running around gathering up toys. They have to be unwrapped so we can see what they are," he explained.
"Then on Sunday we'll gather at the Arcata Plaza. We try to get there starting at 9 o'clock to take up all the parking places around the plaza; then at high noon when the whistle goes off, someone from Arcata's volunteer police patrol leads our caravan around the square and out of Arcata."
The toy-laden motorcycle convoy will head out Samoa Boulevard to Manila, go down the peninsula and then across the bridge to the Veteran's Hall in Eureka. "It's the same route we've been riding for years. We go the same way for our annual Veteran's Day ride," said Davis. "Last year we had 256 bikes parked around the hall. We wrap them all around the building and across the street."
The toys are checked in by a local Boy Scout troop upstairs in the Vet's Hall. A party downstairs includes food and live music. Admission is one new toy, or $5 cash, all of which goes to the Eureka Rescue Mission.
"They give us hundreds of toys every year," said Mary McGill of the Rescue Mission. "We give out around a thousand toys every year to anywhere from 200 to 250 families and they are our biggest supplier of toys."
"Anyone is more than welcome to come to the party," Davis emphasized. "It's sponsored by motorcyclists but we have no prejudice towards any race, color, creed, sex or national origin, type of motorcycle you ride or if you ride a motorcycle at all. This is for the kids, that's what's important."
For more information about the toy run, call (707) 442-4469. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________